Wednesday, September 30, 2015

LGBT+ and what I identify as.

Alright. So basically I stated earlier in one of my posts that I am a part of the LGBTQA+ community. Now, I would like to take the time today to tell you exactly how i fit in to this community. Before I do this however I would just like to ask that you please be respectful of me and how I identify. Treat those around you with respect (including me) and I will do my best to do the same to you. And also if you do not have anything good to say please do not say anything. I am just trying to keep the peace. 

Now then. Onto the good stuff. 
As most of you may know, there are many different sexual orientations. Some examples would be: straight (being attracted to the opposite sex basically), Gay (being attracted to the same sex), and bisexual (being attracted to both sexes), Asexual ( having no sexual attraction). I identify as something most of you may just think is bisexuality. Let me assure you this is not the case. Anyways, I identify as Pansexual. This means that I am attracted to every gender. And yes this means there are more genders than just male and female. Gender is a much broader spectrum. And I can be attracted to any gender. Oh and before I go any further, gender is not the same thing as sex. Sex is whats in your pants (and that thing that normally involves kissing... And in some cases can create babies ;3), gender is more to do with what pronouns you prefer. So yeah. Basically I am attracted to any gender. (this does not mean that I am attracted to every single person I see, I still have my standards! It just means that it doesnt matter what gender a person is, if they are attractive, theyre attractive) 
Now on to my gender identity. I identify as transgender/agender. This means that at times I may identify as the gender that is opposite my birth sex, or like most of the time, I just plain do not have a gender. I actually prefer the "it" or "he" pronouns. And no just because I use the 'it' pronoun it does not mean I hold myself as a lower being or I don't like myself or something like that. It just means that I just prefer it. I dont like the pronouns "they" or "them" mostly because it just plain feels disrespectful to me. I do not like to be called by a pronoun that is also used for large groups of people I guess. I don't know I just prefer to be referred to as an it. Or a he. I like he as well. In fact if you feel you must simply give me a gender I do generally prefer male pronouns. So if you feel uncomfortable calling me by my preferred pronouns, just feel free to use male pronouns.  

Now that I have shared this information with you, I would please like to remind you to please be respectful towards me, and others like me. I am not interferring with your life by being pansexual or transgender/agender. So please do not try to interfere with mine. I will respect you if you respect me. Also, if somebody in the comments is also a part of the LGBT+ community or any community similar, please try to be respectful towards them as well. And if somebody in the comments is being disrespectful towards me or soebody else, I will do my best to deal with them. That is all I ask. Thank you. And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I try my best to get back to you. Have a good day/night. 

~Thinker Timothy

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