Wednesday, September 30, 2015

LGBT+ and what I identify as.

Alright. So basically I stated earlier in one of my posts that I am a part of the LGBTQA+ community. Now, I would like to take the time today to tell you exactly how i fit in to this community. Before I do this however I would just like to ask that you please be respectful of me and how I identify. Treat those around you with respect (including me) and I will do my best to do the same to you. And also if you do not have anything good to say please do not say anything. I am just trying to keep the peace. 

Now then. Onto the good stuff. 
As most of you may know, there are many different sexual orientations. Some examples would be: straight (being attracted to the opposite sex basically), Gay (being attracted to the same sex), and bisexual (being attracted to both sexes), Asexual ( having no sexual attraction). I identify as something most of you may just think is bisexuality. Let me assure you this is not the case. Anyways, I identify as Pansexual. This means that I am attracted to every gender. And yes this means there are more genders than just male and female. Gender is a much broader spectrum. And I can be attracted to any gender. Oh and before I go any further, gender is not the same thing as sex. Sex is whats in your pants (and that thing that normally involves kissing... And in some cases can create babies ;3), gender is more to do with what pronouns you prefer. So yeah. Basically I am attracted to any gender. (this does not mean that I am attracted to every single person I see, I still have my standards! It just means that it doesnt matter what gender a person is, if they are attractive, theyre attractive) 
Now on to my gender identity. I identify as transgender/agender. This means that at times I may identify as the gender that is opposite my birth sex, or like most of the time, I just plain do not have a gender. I actually prefer the "it" or "he" pronouns. And no just because I use the 'it' pronoun it does not mean I hold myself as a lower being or I don't like myself or something like that. It just means that I just prefer it. I dont like the pronouns "they" or "them" mostly because it just plain feels disrespectful to me. I do not like to be called by a pronoun that is also used for large groups of people I guess. I don't know I just prefer to be referred to as an it. Or a he. I like he as well. In fact if you feel you must simply give me a gender I do generally prefer male pronouns. So if you feel uncomfortable calling me by my preferred pronouns, just feel free to use male pronouns.  

Now that I have shared this information with you, I would please like to remind you to please be respectful towards me, and others like me. I am not interferring with your life by being pansexual or transgender/agender. So please do not try to interfere with mine. I will respect you if you respect me. Also, if somebody in the comments is also a part of the LGBT+ community or any community similar, please try to be respectful towards them as well. And if somebody in the comments is being disrespectful towards me or soebody else, I will do my best to deal with them. That is all I ask. Thank you. And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I try my best to get back to you. Have a good day/night. 

~Thinker Timothy

Wednesday, September 23, 2015



(also, I might have a new theriotype.)

~ Thinker Timothy

I'll give you a hint, my possible theriotype is big as fuck and brown and you wouldn't want to meet one in the forest)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Been having some weird shifts lately

Alright so.. Ive been having some weird shifts lately. One is somewhat ok because its to do with one if my kintypes. The other was some kind of phantom shift.

I felt like i should be on all fours, i felt like i should be bigger, and my hands felt way to long and weird. I started making noises reminicent to those of a bear, amd when i looked in a mirror i couldnt help but cock my head to the side as what i saw staring back at me was very weird. I was surprised to see this human creature reflected in the mirror, and not some brown bear. In fact when i tried pictureing myself, i kept seeing myself as a brown bear.

What do you think? Do you think this could be a possible theriotype? One i havent considered yet? Or do you think it was just some phantom shift? Or do you just think im crazy? Let me know in the comments below!

~ Thinker Timothy

You need to wake up. 🐻🐻🐻🐻

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hello, and Introductions.

Hello there! Welcome to my blog! 
This blog is a compilation of my thoughts, theories, and basically anything I want to post/ talk about. I will be going by the name of Thinker Timothy, and I will attempt to post as much  as possible. Now, that being said some of what I might post may or may not be controversal, please know that I do try to respect peoples opinions, but I dont always understand them. So if it appears that i am being disrespectful towards an opinion, please know that it's most likely that I simply do not understand it, and that I don't try to appear as disrespectful. Now there's the issue of hate. Whilst I do encourage commenting and constructive criticism, I would rather it if any hate is kept at a minimum, as no one likes to deal with hate, I would hope that you can understand and respect this please and thank you. Also questions are encouraged, please feel free to ask me anything, and I will do my best to answer. 

Now for some information you should know about me.
1. Communication is very difficult for me. And I may misunderstand what you or someone else is talking about. That being said if this occurs I may talk in a way that doesn't make much sense, or I may react innapropriatly. Please know that I do not mean for this to happen, and I try my best to make sure this doesn't happen, but it most likely will happen every now and again. Especially if I am venting about something. 
2. I am very open towards the otherworldly and otherwise magical. I have always been very open towards these things, and i do not understand why others aren't always as open, even if I understand that everyone is different. This being said, no I currently do not neccesarily beleive in a god, or practise any sort of witch craft. Though i will meditate on occasion, and I respect those who do beleive in Gods, and those who practise witchcraft ( which is not satanism, I might add!). And i would ask the same of you. 
3. I currently do in fact, identify as fictionkin. That being said if anyone would like to know who i identify as, I will make a seperate post every once in a while listing all of my kintypes and such at that time. Please know that before I accept any kintype as being something i identify as, I do try to do as much research as I can on the possible kintype. Also, if you are kin, or therian or whatever, or know somebody who is or if you are curious on the matter, feel free to ask me anything about it, and I will do my best to answer. 
4. All I ask for is respect. I will try my best to respect you, and your opinions, but only if you will respect me, and my opinions. I do hope that that is fair.

Alright, I do beleive that is all, again if you have any questions or comments feel free to comment down below, and I will try my best to get to it. Welcome, and I hope you like my blog.

~ Thinker Timothy
P.S.  Apologees for any misspellings or grammar errors, the device I am currently typing with is quite old, and is starting to deteriorate. Making typing somewhat of a difficulty. And I do not have the funds to buy a new one.